Hello World

A major change for the Travelogue! After some deeply frustrating issues during both Southwest Overland and OAT West, I’ve decided to pull the travel blog off of Tumblr where I originally built it. I’ve hastily relaunched as a self-hosted WordPress website with a lot of code I’m going to have to rewrite later… I’ve only done light customizations on theming/design so far, but I can reuse the bulk of the location-aware/mapping code I’d written before. And despite the rush, I’ve even been able to improve upon some of it.

Because Tumblr is dead to me.

Thankfully, I was able to do a complete migration and retain all of my content. I feel good knowing that I have all this content on an installation that I have control over. It’s unfortunate that some of the formatting has been lost. Some of that was Tumblr’s fault (because a little over a year ago, its Android application just stopped differentiating post formats) and some of it was the import and updates on the WordPress end.

Ultimately, I think I’ll be able to create better content here with far better options for media. Also one of the first things I built out was an ability to group past trip content into a category which hooks up to the Location Tracker so I can finally link to entire trips worth of content, starting at the beginning!

From OAT East, which I forgot to write much about…

Site code is up on GitHub, and I’ll probably write about this experiment over on my blog at some point. In the meantime, I gotta start getting ready for our next adventure! It starts in two days…