A review of Rocky Road trip Oreos, for Mom

Mom gave my brother and me these as a stocking stuffer fun pun this year because we both left on roadtrips right after Christmas. She said we both had to let her know how they are. I figure here in the public record is as good a place as any for such a contribution to literary greatness:

I did not expect them to be awesome because, fuddy-duddy that I am, I don’t usually enjoy nonstandard Oreos as much as the classic. I was pleasantly surprised: they are lightly marshmallow-ey because there are Lucky Charms-style marshmallow candy bits in both the cookie and the icing. And the icing is chocolate icing, but just as with Oreo cookies themselves, it’s the kind of chocolate taste produced by an individual who longs to taste chocolate for the first time after having heard a buddy give him the gist via text message. The result is sublimely indescribable: they are freaking delicious — 4 stars.

Thanks Mom!!