Day Three: The Monster Under the Bench Seat

Today was a long day at the office for all of us. And thanks to an ice storm in Oklahoma City that left 250,000 customers without power, Amazon delayed my replacement shoes and springs order. So after work… well… I took a nap. And then after that we went to AutoZone Broken Arrow for the adjusters and springs, AutoZone Midtown for the shoes, and Hideaway Pizza for dinner.

After our labors, we were feeling a little low on time and energy to fight with the drum brakes. I think because we’re intimidated by how difficult they seem to be to assemble.

From George

So instead we set our sights on a smaller goal for the evening — pulling the bench seat. Because I have entirely lost my mind and decided to have it recovered. It’s cracking, hard, and stained vinyl that completely roasts on even moderate days. I’ll run it to the trim shop tomorrow between meetings.

From George

I was worried about removing the bench because I did not want the boys to see underneath it. It is notably nasty. So after pulling the bench we did a brief archaeology of what receipts, trinkets, and alien life forms lay beneath.

A liquor store in Escondido, California. Oh. Yeah no this can’t be you, the total is only $10.

Evan found a receipt. Not sure I appreciate his implication.

Then I set about with scrapers, brushes, rags, and towels with scary paint-stripping coronavirus-killing hazardous chemicals. Meanwhile, Evan helped out with the scraping round, then took to repainting my airbox cover that somehow got stripped when we cleaned it off yesterday.

It’s not perfect, but it’s a helluva lot better — and has cured me of my ambitions to knock out any other projects this evening. So we’ve retreated back inside. George documented the whole process with his new camera, which I’m quickly becoming quite fond of: